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Salary trends

The rate of pay is always changing, and good for people in hiring roles or looking to be hired to keep an eye on!

These surveys were from the start of the year, before a lot of layoffs started happening. The market is a bit different now, so the 2023 surveys might be a bit different. 

UXPA Salary survey – 2022
Vitamin T salary guide 2022

Listen to:

What is Wrong with Hiring (podcast)
Laura Klein and Amy Santee talk about the trends, pains, and horrors of hiring and getting hired. Great listen to keep on top of the current topics in UX hiring!

Design and research trends

Research surveys
User Interviews – State of User Research – 2023

User interviews has been released great surveys of UX research every year, and this year’s is no exception! 

Design surveys

Software and tool surveys

User Interviews – 2023 UX Research Software report
A complement to their state of user research survey, User Interviews also puts out an annual software survey! Unfortunately this year’s survey doesn’t have the same awesome styling as 2021’s transit map or 2022’s map of Middle Earth.

UX Tool – Design Tools Survey – 2022
Every year UX tools publishes a great survey about the current tools being used in the field! Some highlights are the rise of Protopie for an advanced tool, and UserTesting and Maze solidifying as the most used recruitment tools.

Design system surveys

Top articles of 2022

Developer survey

Agile survey

Free reports / Additional surveys

Constants / Things that haven’t changed